Providence Enterprise Blog

Thoughts, insights, and news from Providence Enterprise's electro-mechanical contract manufacturing blog. Read more today.

Providence Enterprise Blog

Thoughts, insights, and news from Providence Enterprise's electro-mechanical contract manufacturing blog. Read more today.

contract manufacturing

When to Change Contract Manufacturers

If you are unhappy with your contract manufacturer’s (CM) initial performance, there are ways you can help bring them up to par. But what do you do...

contract manufacturing

Sustainable Teamwork

Design and Manufacturing Partnerships for a Circular Economy

medical device contract manufacturing

5 Questions Every Manufacturer Should Ask

It turns out that your perfect design is not so perfect after all. Frail microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are damaged during assembly, rendering...

contract manufacturing

When We Ran Out Of Everything

Finished products only emerge from supply chains because other things go in. A single discontinued component causes bottlenecks and a ripple of...


Causes, Costs and Cures for Unplanned Downtime

Some causes of unplanned downtime are as old as manufacturing itself, while others are very recent. Some of these causes impact highly regulated...


10 Dimensions of Excellence

While far more than just trendy jargon, “Design for Excellence” (DfX) fulfills two common buzzword criteria:

contract manufacturing

Breaking down Walls

Why Manufacturers are Moving to Collaborative Design

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