Providence Enterprise Blog

Thoughts, insights, and news from Providence Enterprise's electro-mechanical contract manufacturing blog. Read more today.

Providence Enterprise Blog

Thoughts, insights, and news from Providence Enterprise's electro-mechanical contract manufacturing blog. Read more today.

contract manufacturing

(Net)Working Wonders

5 Things Engineers Need to Know about IoMT

medical device contract manufacturing

5 Questions Every Manufacturer Should Ask

It turns out that your perfect design is not so perfect after all. Frail microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are damaged during assembly, rendering...


Causes, Costs and Cures for Unplanned Downtime

Some causes of unplanned downtime are as old as manufacturing itself, while others are very recent. Some of these causes impact highly regulated...


10 Dimensions of Excellence

While far more than just trendy jargon, “Design for Excellence” (DfX) fulfills two common buzzword criteria:

design & engineering

Leverage Key Suppliers for Consolidation

Market trends are driving significant consolidation within the medical device industry. OEMs are collaborating with suppliers that can provide...

medical device contract manufacturing

Labor Pains

Designing Medical Devices that Alleviate Healthcare Worker Shortages.

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